This research project started in 2019. Brynja E. Halldórsdottir introduced the project in a lecture. MBL reported about it. You can find the newspaper article here.
Different members of the project group presented first results at academic conferences in 2019:
- Randi W. Stebbins presented at NORA Conference in May 2019 in Reykjavík – The title of her talk was “Violence Against Migrant Female Workers in the Icelandic Economy”
- Marie Carlson and Linda Rós Eðvarðsdóttir presented the general ideas of the research project at the Conference on Gender and Justice: theory and practice across contexts in 2019 in Sarajevo
- Randi W. Stebbins presented at POWES conference in July 2019 in Windsor, UK – The title of her talk was “Policy Versus Reality: Service Providers’ Understanding of Immigrant Women Victims of Violence”
- Linda Rós Eðvarðsdóttir and Flora Tietgen presented at Menntakvíka in September 2019 in Reykjavík – The title of their talk was “Breaking the system: The need for institutional change in the #metoo era: Mapping and understanding hidden factors of employment and intimate partner violence”
- Telma Velez presented the IWEV project at LÝSA in Akureyi in September 2019